Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Finding the Keys to your Body

Finding the Keys to your Body

And yet is is possible for you to find the keys to your body again.....
and to find your proper vitality,health and autonomy.
Therese Berterat

 Take a moment or two to check in with your body right now. Is your neck is so tight that you have a hard time turning it left or right in fact sometimes you twist your whole upper body just to see. 
The shoulders are pulled up around ears, your back never stops aching or what about old recurring injuries from your youthful days of sports and lets not forget possible old car accidents.
 As a massage therapist of 16 years and having worked on literally thousands of bodies I know the relief outcome massage can bring.
I can't tell you the many times I've asked ,"So when was the last you had a massage?" and the answer most often is,"Oh! about a year ago!" 
Why? Is it because we just don't want to take the time to be good to our bodies or gee just let me take a pain medication and it'll go away. 
Wrong! How about considering working with it in a cooperative way.

First, we have to acknowledge that the body has constriction or its has restricted movement  something is definitely out of balance. 
I often use the analogy of telephone pole that is held in place with guy wires. 
Now just for a second imagine if one side of the guy wires is slack what would happen. The pole would start to lean towards that side and the wires on the other side would start to pull out of ground. Right.
 Well that's what happens to our bodies. One side of spine or the body usually the back the muscles are overworked stretched long and the other side is contracted short pulling our posture forward and totally out of alignment. 
 After a while our poor bodies become so distorted we are in chronic pain constantly.
There are many causes that create this unfortunate circumstance. 
But that's a story for another time.
Today we are just going to explore  basic massage modality, Swedish massage .
Massage therapy modalities are as diverse in nature as leaves on a tree; and subsequently, quite effective in helping to naturally heal common and chronic health conditions.  
The rest of this discussion will focus one of the more common massage therapy modalities, specific strokes and general health benefits.
I'll keep it short and easy to read.
Most of the techniques we use as therapist are the same  5 basic stokes. 
Effleurage which is simply long, flowing strokes  gliding up or down the body
 Used to apply the lubricant or to warm up the muscle tissue,  
it's very gently and soothing yet preparing the tissue for deeper pressure.
Petrissage is kneading ,squeezing,pressing or rolling the muscle tissue. 
It's more vigorous, deeper and it will decongest the muscles. 
A deeper stroke that will loosen stiff muscles and relief soreness.
Tapotement is a series of percussive,rythmic movements.  
 Used only for a few seconds to stimulate.
Friction or rubbing frees muscles from adhesions and scar tissue.
It helps to broaden the underlying muscle tissue.
Vibration is rapidly shaking to stimulate nerves and release tight muscles. 

These all can be used for either light or used for deeper work depending on the need of the body.
Also, different tools can be used besides the hand such as forearms, closed or relaxed fists, elbows.
Most other  modalities stem from these basic techniques. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Journey of a Lifetime

                                                     There is force within
                                                     Which gives you life
                                                               seek that.

                                                      In your body
                                                      Lies a priceless gem
                                                                 seek that.

                                                      O wandering Suli,
                                                      if you want to find
                                                       the greatest treasure
                                                       don't look outside
                                                                   Look inside

 We are going on a journey. No,not a journey that takes us adventures in far away places but a journey of discovery. We are going to discover with fascination  the miraculous wisdom of the body. Mirka Knaster authors "Discovering the Body's Wisdom"and I will be pulling much from her book frequently. 

                "Most of us go through the day without being aware of how we are in our bodies and what they are trying to communicate". Mirka Knaster

                  "The Human body is not an instrument to be used, but a realm of one's being to be experienced, explored enriched and thereby, educated." 
                                                                     Thomas Hanna
As a massage therapist or any massage therapist has heard  often  people say, " I have boulders sitting on my neck is so tight I can hardly turn it, or my lower back is killing me' .
So how do you respond when your body is sending out these signals of pain? 
Do you keep on working through it, or taking some sort of pain relieving pill, maybe a few shots of a favorite beverage to numb the pain? 
The first question I usually ask once I have assessed their muscle tonality do work on a computer, or are you on your feet all day?
Each type of job we do leave its tell-tale signs in the muscles of the body and that is where the pain resides.
Someone that is on the computer 8 or more hours a day every work day eventually start to hunch forward, the neck extends down and the muscles between the shoulder blades are screaming with no relieve.
The sales person who's standing on the cement floor all day or most of the day will have a one hip higher than other from bearing all their weight on one leg instead standing balanced. Mom's of toddlers have the same syndrome because the toddler is sitting on that hip shelve. Hence low back discomfort.
Often I've heard "I didn't even know I had pain there" till after I start working in that area. That is denial but common.
Fortunately, the body is not set in stone and it can be transformed and brought back into balance and ease.
Massage is somewhat of a limited word but one that we are all familiar with.
There is long history of different techniques applied to assisting  you to feel comfortable in your body.
Why not explore with me the "Bodyways" that will work the best for you. Each person is different.
Like shoes you must try them on to see which one will fit the best for which purpose.
Just like you wouldn't wear work boots if you going to a formal affair or would you wear dress shoes to shovel snow. Of course not
Our bodies are a work in process and sometimes we need deeper pressure and the are times when a lighter touch is needed.
It all depends on what needs to be changed and how to change it.
The goal is to improve movement and ease discomfort.
This is the beginning of our journey, next we will explore various techniques to choose from.